Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pengba, the State fish of Manipur. 
What is its future ??

Pengba [scientific name= Osteobrama belangeri]  


Highly esteemed fish of Manipur
Associated with the cultural heritage of the state
since time immemorial.
Formerly widely distributed in the rivers and lakes.

Said as migrating from the Chindwin River of Myanmar to the rivers of the Manipur valley where they breed and grow.

Forced the fish to be extinct in the wild in Manipur.

Construction of Ithai Barrage across the Imphal River in the early 1990’s blocked its route.
Now thanks to Manipur Fisheries.
The captive fishes were artificially propagated.
And is in the farm ponds,
Separated from the parent stock.
Why not we plan for alternative ways to resume the natural migration of Pengba to Manipur?

We need to conserve this beautiful fish …


  1. every barrage and dam must comply international conservation law by providing fish laddar for free tresspass of fish through this large structure. Nhpc Loktak Hydro electric Project was constructed without Environmental Impact Assessment report and such fish laddar must be suppliment after generation billions of dollars in 35 years. Now NHPC has to extend power purchase aggrement after completion of 35 years of generation. if generating companies are exploiting thw environment for money without sustainable approach then it is challenge to the world laws.

  2. U hav done a gr8 job sis.. dats wat i wanted to see..
    N pliz work more on the species or varieties of our native fishes yet to b named or researched yet..they deserve to b given their original native names and scientific names asociated wit manipur

  3. This is the kind of information that we, the general public need to be aware of. This is very educative. I learnt some important facts. We Would love to see more of your work. Thank you.
