Sunday, May 4, 2014

The magnificent Ngamu Sangum

[Scientific name=Garra species]

These small sized fishes dwell in the highly torrential hill streams of Manipur.  
People believed that the fish emerged out of caterpillars, may be because of its rough and caterpillar-legs like snout.
In fact, it is not so.

The spines, called ‘tubercles’ are used by them to deflect the strong water current so that they can force themselves up in hill streams and  are thus  not washed away.
In addition, they have a disc on the chest which is used for adhesion to the rocks.

These features again quality the fish to be a good aquarium fish.

What a fish!! Nature has given them the devices for their special mode of life.                                                                                                                          The activity of the disc is widely utilized in Spa and manicuring in Star Hotels and Body fitness centres.

   Is it not interesting?

Have we ever thought of Manipur having such wonderful fishes?

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